Mad Men: The Game

Created by the Fine Brothers with music & pixel animation by Doctor Octoroc, this 8-bit interactive youtube game allows players to choose a sequence of events Don Draper follows in order to achieve new ideas, self-confidence, and find inner peace. At the end of each segment, the player can choose their own adventure. Fan of the show? Give the game a try!


The Changing Room of the Future

Sometimes finding the right pair of jeans for your body can be a hassle; not all sizes measure up to be the same, and different styles fit differently on body types. Keeping this in mind, Bloomingdale’s teamed up with Bodymetrics, 3D body-mapping pioneers from London, to create the Bodymetrics pod to help women find the perfect pairs of jeans that flatter their shape.

The Bodymetrics Pod works by scanning the body through Kinect [by Windows] sensors and classifies the body into shape categories. It then takes measurements and contours of the body to give you a range of options. This process can take less than 5 seconds! This futuristic changing room was featured during Bloomingdale’s Denim Days in Los Angeles. Bodymetrics is also planning on advancing this ‘virtual changing room’ to the home, in which users can use this technology through their Kinect and shop online.

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MTA Station Artwork App

Ever wonder who designed the artwork in the New York City transit systems? Frequently overlooked by rushed travelers, the MTA stations actually showcase works of art by famous artists such as Sol Lewitt and Roy Lichtenstein. The showcase was started in the 1980s called Arts for Transit and includes 236 permanent artwork all over the subways system.

The New York MTA worked with the Meridian to create a free mobile application (works for both apple and android) that informs travelers & digitally showcases the artwork. It also provides directions as to where to find the artwork, photos, and podcasts. Take a tour around the subway sometime; you may get a new perspective through your everyday commute! Find out more about the app here.

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