Lokal Burgers & Beer Branding

This beautifully-done identity branding for a neighborhood burger restaurant in Coconut Grove in Florida, made by Create, gives this local restaurant a little something extra. The look and feel of the identity system really gives this place a relaxed, cool, and quaint tone to the experience. The logo is even branded into the burger buns! Also loving the Lokal cork wall art!

[via] [via]

Innovative Vocal Coaching Website

The Your Music School in Hamburg has created an innovative vocal coaching website that can be navigated entirely by one’s voice. Each item on the navigation menu are arranged by musical scales and when the user sings the correct note, it takes them to the corresponding link on the menu. By engaging the user, this simple idea teaches music as well as informing users about the school in a fun, unique way. Watch the video, or check out the link to see how it works!

An elevator you can…taste?!

Don’t know whether to think this idea is brilliant, or just absolutely bizarre! In London, a new art installation by Heston Blumenthal and Damien Hirst, features lickable wallpaper, in elevators! This installation is called “Spot of Jaffa” and is made to relieve the awkward stress of riding an elevator with strangers. It features stickers & taste of McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes. The licked wallpaper stickers are to be removed and replaced by the elevator attendant, who is to make sure that no stickers have been licked twice, to avoid spreading germs. Still, though, would you taste the walls of an elevator? 


Fashion Color Forecast

Want to know what colors are trending in fashion? The fashion brand, Pimkie, launched a new project that actually tracks the color trends in major cities such as Paris, Milan, & Antwerp. This project works through high-speed digital cameras that are installed through streets of these cities and then is filtered through a color tracking software, and then gives you more stats and even style suggestions. Every day, or moment, it’s something different. Check out the video to learn more, or check out the new website to see what’s trending now!

How do they do it?
