Drink Black Water

Would you drink water if it was black? With this brand, maybe you should! BLK water is infused with fulvic trace minerals, the same minerals that help the growth of plant life. This mineral is actually what makes the water naturally turn black. Absolutely no artificial dyes, colorings, or sugars were used to make this water turn black. It seems a little odd at first, but it’s a great way to drink water differently. Plus, the package design & branding is also a big plus!


Make the Chapel Sing!

In movies, whenever there is a scene of entering a large cathedral, an echo of choirs and organs usually becomes the soundtrack. In real life, that may not happen as often (if at all). However, the Olomouc chapel in Czech Republic, this can become a reality. In fact, you can make the angels sing.

Using projection mapping, visitors of this chapel can use laser pointers to interact with the architecture and beautiful statues within the chapel to create music. By directing the laser pointers, certain areas light up accompanied with a sound. Point your laser pointer to an angel statue, and will sing a certain note. Point your laser pointer to a window, and it will play chimes. This project allows visitors to become audiovisual composers, and makes the visit so much more fun and enjoyable (not to mention, allows the visitors to truly appreciate and become more observant all of the architecture within the chapel). Check out the video on how it works!


Skyping in 3D

Imagine you could talk to your friend on Skype, not on the computer screen, but as if they are actually present as a  3D hologram. A life-sized pod, developed by researchers at Queens University in Canada, allows callers to do just that. The video cameras catch the subject at all angles and interprets them into a 3D video. This pod, called “TeleHuman,” can allow callers to see all angles of the other person. It is made up of a 3D projector, a convex mirror, and a translucent acrylic cylinder. Check out the video to see how it works.


Shoelace Art

These works of art, by Federico Uribe, are made entirely out of different colored shoelaces; with the occasional pin here and there. Amazingly intricate down to the last detail, it’s almost unbelievable that the work is made out of just shoelaces. This artist also experiments with Pencilism: art made completely out of colored pencils; as well as using other everyday items, morphing paintings and sculptures together.

[via] [via]

WA|HH: Instantaneously Drunk

Quite a mind-boggling invention, David Edwards and Phillippe Starck created a spray that makes you instantaneously drunk for just a few seconds without the harmful effects of alcohol. The sprays, called WA|HH Quantum Sensations, contain the minimum amount of alcohol to stimulate the brain (0.075ml) and creates the euphoria of intoxication, but for a very short period of time. This spray can be sprayed into the mouth or onto foods and comes in 2 different flavors. The idea of this spray is to simply experience the ‘sensorial pleasure, like an emotion,’ as it lasts for just a few seconds and then wears off immediately. It gives the user the pleasure of alcohol without being a threat to their health. ‘The quantity of alcohol that enters the body, what we call a quantum, is so small that the effects of WA|HH Quantum Sensations are transient, like an emotion.’ This is an interesting experiment that morphs psychological effects with food.
