Blast from the Past: 1980s Apple Fashion

Oh Apple, you’ve come so far in the style world. Check out some of these totally 80s fashions for Apple, circa 1986. It’s so crazy to see the difference between the look the brand has now, versus the look they styled in the 1980s. What do you think Apple’s branding will look like in the next 10+ years?


Burritob0t: Instant Burritos!

Imagine making a burrito with just a push of a button. Marko Manriquez, a student from the Tisch School of the Arts, came up with a brilliant idea that does just that. With the use of 3D printing, this bot is a platform for ‘prototyping and tracing the source of food in our lives to reveal hidden issues revolving around fast food: labor practices; environmental consequences; nutritional values.’ This technology is currently in prototype phase, but Manriquez plans to create a control app for mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad, leading up to an even bigger idea: a Mobile Printed-Burrito Truck.

Take a look at the video to see how the Burritob0t works, also check out the website


Handcrafted Typography

Graphic design student, Briar Mark, has created an impressive typographic series in which beautiful, modern type is embroidered all by hand. Imagine how tedious this project must have been! Mark’s experimental piece pushes past computer-generated minimalist type and creates a refreshing and almost natural feel to the surface.

Watch the meticulous project in process:
