Water & Ink

Clément Beauvais uses his talents to create a campaign called ‘Water & Ink’ for Solidarités International, a humanitarian organization for helping victims of war and natural disasters. In this video, Beauvais shows the spread and toxicity of dirty water using only water and ink in illustrations. This is to show the invisible threat of dirty water and how dangerous it can become.


Colored Pencil Wall

Created by blackLAB Architects, this wall mural called colourSPACE is made out of 12,000 colored pencils and is 14′ x 6′. The pencils were mapped out as a gradient from black to white to create a surreal experience for the exhibit at the Interior Design Show in Toronto. Check out the video below to see how they created it!


Takahiro Iwasaki

Check out these amazing sculptures by Japanese artist, Takahiro Iwasaki. This series is called ‘Out of Disorder’ and features his ability to master chaos in organized structures. These sculptures are so intricate, they almost look unreal!
