Beauty is independent of time

We recently took a trip to Florence and returned truly inspired. “The Dali Universe” exhibition that is currently at the Palazzo Medici Ricardo. A simply awesome display of the genius of Dali in sculpture, painting, jewelry, furniture, fashion and more. The Women of Time sculpture, features Dali’s most famous symbol the melting watch. This explanation and insight engage the mind and your emotions. Both are an integral part of what we strive for in this business every day. Engagement: “The clock alludes to the woman”s awareness that beauty is independent of time, whether it is corporeal grace or an ethereal rose.”

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Much like the idea that beauty is independent of time, brands form timeless connections. Below are a few of the examples that spark our fires. What is it about the independence of beauty and time that engages your emotions?

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-Canopy Team


Meet the 13 designers on Fast Company’s most creative people list

Fast Company compiled a list of the 100 most creative people for 2013. Find out how each of the 13 designers are starting fires and changing the world through innovative thinking. What sparks our fire: There is no limit to creativity. Which designer do you find most creative?


-Canopy Team

blog pix2 Top: Ivan Poupyrev, Senior Scientist, Disney Research Left: Emily Sugihara, Founder, Baggu  Right: Liz Muller, Director of Concept Design Starbucks

Heineken’s lost plan to build houses out of beer bottles

In the 1960’s, Heineken offered a revolutionary idea: rectangular “World” beer bottles that could double as bricks for affordable housing. What sparks our fire: A beer company attempts to solve the world’s problems with an innovative bottle design. What modern products would you use to tackle today’s global issues?


-Canopy Team


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Parking lot rain garden provides for, protects and enhances local Michigan neighborhood

Duluth Grill in Duluth, Michigan is planning to build an orchard/rain garden in the middle of its parking lot. The orchard/rain garden will provide food for the restaurant’s kitchen, enhance the neighborhood and protect nearby lakes and rivers by preventing trash and pollutants from ending up in the lake.

What sparks our fire: We love this example of a local restaurant providing more than just food to enhance its surrounding community.

What is your favorite example of local sustainability?


-Canopy Team

Rain garden