A Pen That Brings Your Notes To Life

photo8As much as we love our devices, we do find that some of our best ideas come out of our impromptu meetings where we are literally putting pen to paper. After those inspired sessions, we spend a few hours transcribing the analog chicken scratch on the backs of our napkins back into our digital realities.  But what if the notes we were taking in our meetings were being transferred into our calendars on our phones, or were being made email ready? The Livescribe Echo Smartpen connects to your tablet or smartphone, connecting your hand drawn notes with your calendar, notes, and other apps. It also allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later.

Livescribe 3 Smartpen2

What Sparks our Fire:  A pen that allows you to get your creative juices flowing in the real world, while seamlessly translating it back to your digital devices.

What do you think about Livescribe 3 Smartpen? Would you use it?

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