Marc-eting 101: Activate Effectively


We asked Canopy’s Managing Director, Marc Sampogna, “What is your #1 marketing tip that is both effective and profitable?” Find out what he had to say below.

The ability to paint the entire picture across every touch-point, activate it seamlessly and make it shareable will ultimately result in success and profitability for your brand. If you’re developing an ad campaign, how do you generate a conversation around it and optimize it across other applications? If you’ve developed a new website, how do you create an engagement strategy that elicits conversation and conversions? The answer, a strong “activation plan”, and it involves multiple items to make it work: SEO, social media, advertising or packaging for that matter. Develop a strategically sound plan that brings them all together, and broadcasts a consistent message. It’s an investment, but it will create loyalty, which results in profitability and results.


Marc-eting 101: Be Fearless, Get Ahead.










Marc Sampogna, Canopy’s Managing Director, was recently asked to give his best advice on being fearless and getting ahead. Check out what he had to say below.

The best advice I can offer to young entrepreneurs looking to succeed is to be proactive rather than reactive. Seeking out opportunities that can inspire and drive you versus waiting for them to be put in front of you is key. In addition, to be an entrepreneur is to uncover an idea, product or service that captures people’s attention in ways they never realized. That means, taking risks that you can validate and are calculated. Strategically sound individuals will succeed over those who just jump in blindly. Lastly, surround yourself with people smarter than yourself. If the people around you and their ideas or thinking don’t challenge you, then you are not maximizing potential. You should partner with those who can elicit a debate and shed new light on things that you may never have thought of. It will make your idea, product, and/or service that much stronger.