Central Park’s human art

Performing arts visionary, Aly Rose, designed and choreographed an inspirational display of human movement and dance high above New York’s Central Park. ONE, will be a 3D moving sculpture 150 feet above Central Park. The “moving” sculpture will require the careful coordination of 300 performers, architects, designers, engineers and production crew to get the project off the ground.

What sparks our fire: The combination of technology, design, arts and human spirit.

How have the performing arts inspired you?


-Canopy Team


Lacoste Celebrates 80 Years

To celebrate 80 years of style, Lacoste created a colorful and fun campaign that features the history and evolution of their iconic polo shirt. This campaign was created by BETC Paris, BETC Luxe, and BETC Digital and was shot by fashion photographer David Sims. Their site features a stop-motion video that shows off the shirt throughout the brand’s history.


Crowd Sourced Music Video

This new experimental music video, Do Not Touch, is an interactive website in which all of the cursors/users that are on the screen at that time are shown, moving to the beat of the song being played. The song being played is called ‘Kilo’ by a Dutch band Light Light. According to the site, “After 50 years of pointing and clicking, we are celebrating the nearing end of the computer cursor with a music video where all our cursors can be seen together for one last time.” The site also tracks where you are from and asks a few questions about you.

Check out the interactive site here!
