Marc-eting 101: Fact or Myth?


When Canopy’s Managing Director, Marc Sampogna, was asked to discuss common digital marketing myths, here’s what he had to say:

While I wouldn’t call them marketing myths, I believe every marketer and brand for that matter, has a different perspective on how to reach their target audience, especially in the digital space. For instance, there’s been a lot of speculation around the notion that “traditional marketing and advertising is dead”, and that “everything is digital”. This is total bulls#*t. There will always be a need for traditional marketing methods like TV, print and out-of-home. But, as marketers, we need to understand mobile/digital is now the first screen for most consumers, but this is most likely a generational thing. Boomers and older generations still value the traditional, while Gen Xers and Millennials are certainly more digitally focused. There will always be a need for both. My advice about this “myth”: Find the right balance based on who your audience is, and create your media mix from there. You’ll reach them both ways as appropriate.

The second “marketing myth” I’d mention is the PC card (that’s Politically Correct, not Personal Computer). Some marketers think there’s a need to be PC in their communications due to potential backlash from certain activist organizations. But, this is really a matter of taste, and what’s on or off brand. We live in an era where no matter what you do, you will always offend someone — you can’t please everyone. As marketers, our job is to generate awareness and attention for brands. If it’s Ron Burgundy throwing eggs at a Dodge Durango, you’ll likely get someone from some food activist organization to find it offensive, but you can’t let that hinder your judgment on what’s right for the brand. The right consumer will accept it, which is primary, and any debate about food conservation will become secondary. Lastly, take Cheerios and their interracial ad that had conservatives cringing. Are you kidding me?! And how did Cheerios respond? By taking out Super Bowl spots (for the first time in forever) to air more of these so-called controversial ads. I love it! My advice: If worried about creating controversy, watch what Cheerios has and will be doing. A family brand that’s taken a so-called risk that is completely tasteful and on brand, and made people really think about what’s a fact of life versus a controversy.

My two cents…

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