Power Play

I have an iPhone 4S with a battery that barely lasts five hours. Because of that, I need to carry an extra rechargeable battery with me at all times. It’s bulky and I hate it, on top of which it takes forever to charge, somewhere between 20 minutes to a half-hour, and only to about 50% capacity.

Israeli startup StoreDot plans to use nanotech to solve the charge speed problem. A video released by the company shows a phone going from next to no charge to full charge in slightly less than 30 seconds. It works via nanodots, which are minuscule bio-organic conductive crystals that basically allow a greater amount of charge to pass through them faster than was possible with conventional tech.

The charger is still in prototype, but The Wall Street Journal has reported production is planned for the latter part of 2016. They hope to refine the device, which looks sort of like a laptop charger, for an industry that “is not ready for it,” CEO Dr. Doron Myersdorf said. “We are talking about a new type of materials that can be introduced into different types of devices.”

What Sparks Our Fire: Fast and comprehensive charging technology, helping us to waste less time.

Do you think this will solve the battery issues facing most smartphones today.

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