Record Less, Enjoy More.

What can you remember about yesterday? How about Monday, last week? What about June 23rd? March 17th? Odds are, you can’t remember something about every single day over the past year. The slow moments, the quiet days, they are all overshadowed by larger events and get lost in the shuffle of routine.

Cesar Kuriyama sought to fix that by recording one-second clips of each day for a year, starting on his 30th birthday and ending on his 31st. What resulted was a 6 minute long, watchable documentation of every day throughout that year. There are moments ranging from the beautiful to the mundane, from the sad to the heartwarming. It’s an incredible slice of life, and Kuriyama designed an app that will allow others to create their own second-a-day videos.

In an app called 1 Second Everyday, Kuriyama hopes to share with others the experience that so profoundly affected his own life. It influenced him to make the most out of each day, to live in the moment and to do something worth documenting.

He also mentions how, instead of dealing with the common smartphone problem of recording but not experiencing, he has found that capturing one second “helped me hone in on my old tendencies to over capture a moment or event. Like many, I used to take too many photos and videos … Now I record less and enjoy the moment more.”

The app is currently available on Android and iOS 7.

What sparked our fire: How technology enables us to easily create our own personal narratives, in video format.

What would your first one second video be?


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