Snap Yourself Out of a Problem


If you’ve been paying attention, you know that recently a great deal of the private information kept by the social media app Snapchat was compromised by hackers and posted on the internet. If you use this app and are worried that your information has been stolen, there is a tool you can use to check if that is the case.

Two developers, Will Smidlein and Robbie Trencheny, built a tool called GS Lookup – Snapchat on Wednesday to “help the public quickly understand if they were affected so that they could take the appropriate actions,” according to Smidlein. “My biggest fear with leaks like this are that malicious [tech-savvy] people have access to the SQL file, but a ‘normal’ consumer doesn’t necessarily understand what that means.”

To use the tool, follow the link and type your screen name into the text box, and you will receive information based on whether or not your information was leaked. It’s a very easy process.

The developers added they were not responsible for the leak, merely using the information that has already been released.

What Sparks Our Fire: Making the process of checking for data leaks.

Were you one of the unlucky ones?

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