For the most part, the consensus on the new Google Glass technology is a, “cool concept, looks funny”. For those who don’t know, Google Glass is a new breed of technology that allows the user, through voice and button commands, to control a heads-up display, or HUD. The idea is the user has the ability to access and interface with the internet at any time, in any place, without the added necessity of picking up a phone or a laptop. While interesting, the practical applications of this technology have not been fully explored.
However, Philips Healthcare has put together a proof of concept video, which demonstrates the medical possibilities for this new technology. Before and during surgery, the medical professional checks the patients’ vital signs and and pertinent information, all hands-free. This product is not yet available, rather an informational video meant to “explore the potential of connecting Philips IntelliVue patient monitoring solutions with Google Glass technology.” This concept could possibly lead to integration of Google Glass into everyday life.
What Sparks Our Fire: The future of integrating cutting edge technology into important professional fields such as medicine.
Would you trust a doctor using Google Glass to monitor your vital signs?