This Just In

Facebook released a new app yesterday, and it’s awesome.

Recently, representatives of Facebook described the website as an aggregation of content shared by your connections, in essence a personal newspaper or magazine. The new app, Paper, uses that concept and takes it to an entirely different level. It combines stories from your news feed, articles and pieces of content into one elegant interface. The outside content is selected by choosing various tabs based on subjects and interests, in the same way that Pulse or Flipbook does. In this instance however, Facebook limits the number of tabs you can select, which makes you think about the content you want to see, rather than just seeing everything.


I played with it all day yesterday, and I’m sold. Facebook making apps is awesome, and I’m much more hopeful for this avenue than the HTC First debacle. Facebook is meant to be used on all operating systems, not to be the operating system.

What Sparks Our Fire: A news aggregator that’s not only functional, but very nice to look at and interact with.

Will you use Paper as your new news site?