Feeling moody?

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It’s a fact; we live in a digital era and turn to social media and online content sharing to communicate our feelings. What’s not so clear, how to fully capture and analyze our digital emotional behaviors. Enter, the mood graph.

Facebook and Google Plus have capitalized on the shift in computer-mediated communication, integrating features to enhance emotional expression. “How are you feeling?” Hopefully the prepopulated dropdown menu of emoticons can help answer that question.

Based on these emojis, symbols, and descriptors, companies will have the capability to chart emotional behaviors using mood graphs, much like Facebook’s social graph, Google’s knowledge graph, and LinkedIn’s work graph. The mood graph will focus on the emotional content in our social media sharing and enable companies to draw insights about our behavior patterns. This tool will allow companies to paint a more in-depth picture of consumers, what makes them tick and what turns them off.

What sparked our fire: The way we rely on computer-mediated communication to fulfill the basic need of human interaction.

When will the evolution of the emoji occur? What will it be?


-Canopy Team

How to find your happiest flight

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Routehappy, a travel website, created a new way for consumers to improve their flight experience. The system analyzes attributes such as, seat type, legroom, entertainment, wifi access and food, among other amenities to determine the user’s “happiest flight”.

What sparks our fire: Flying is fun again.

Will this shake up the airline industry?


-Canopy Team