
Many people might remember the ancient days when almost all work was done on hardcopy paper. Back in those ancient days, you used to have to file things, and remember where you put things, and actually stick your sticky notes on things and hope they stayed.


The horror… the horror…


Never fear though. In this day of emails and texts and tweet posts and status blogs, Sony Digital Paper will make it so you never have to touch a piece of paper ever again. For just the low low price of $1,100, you get a handheld 13.3″ device that displays full-page PDF’s  you can annotate by hand. All the notes are saved and shareable, and the device stores almost 3,000 PDF files. It seems like the thing of the future, but at approximately a million times more expensive than a regular sheet of paper. Give a little, take a little.

What Sparks Our Fire: Remember that the original mp3 players were thousands of dollars, and now you can get an iPod Shuffle for less than you’d pay for a nice pair of shoes.

What do you see as the future of paperwork?