Modular Update


One of my favorite topics is the possibility of a modular cellphone. The idea that you don’t have to change out your entire device when a part malfunctions or needs to be upgraded appeals to anyone whose phone is increasingly outdated by rapidly advancing technology. The standout favorite in this new genre of devices is Google’s Project Ara, about which the company revealed new details this week.

At a conference for prospective developers, project head Paul Eremenko stated the smartphones should be set to ship in the first weeks of 2015. The Android OS will be updated to support the modular components. The first phone released will be a generic gray, to encourage the user to personalize and get creative with their devices. They will be able to create a custom look with the Ara Configurator, which allows customization of individual modules. This means users can import photos, which the Configurator will use to create a color palate for the blocks, or they can create customized 3D-printed textures. All of these are designed to be easily removed to allow for re-customization.

What Sparks Our Fire: The next generation of smartphones means a little less money spent on the next best thing.

Would you upgrade to an Ara?