Turn Your Home Into A Smart Home

Imagine you enter your home, and your apartment turns on the lights or, you wake up in the morning and your favorite music starts playing. And while you are getting ready, your coffee machine makes your favorite cup to grab before you leave home. With Airfy Beacon, you can do just that: transform your home into a smart home. The device works in conjunction with an app and is connected via Bluetooth Low Energy communication and IFTTT.

So, with Airfy Beacon, you can turn on your music, the lights, the thermostat, the TV based on your proximity, the number of people in your home, and time. One of the perks is the battery life of an Airfy Beacon is approximately 1.5 years. Watch the video to get familiar with the product.

What Sparks Our Fire: An app and gadget that cater to you and help you save energy

Are you ready to turn your home into a smart spot?

Smart Headphones


Just when you thought everything in your life was smart – Smartphone, Smart Car, Smart thermostat, Smart fridge, Smart mirror (patent pending) – your headphones are now getting more intelligent.

Not only does the Dash blast music in your ears, it also checks your heart rate, oxygen saturation, and energy spent, making it a great gym headset, especially since it’s cordless. It also has a built in ear-bone microphone, 4 gigabytes of storage, and the ability to play music without an attached smartphone. As well, through exhaustive research, the developers have defined three sizes of earphone, which will fit snugly with three points of contact in any ear. The obvious passive noise cancellation inherent in earphones can be attenuated via a “transparent sound” feature, activated by a swipe on the surface of the earphone.


With a Kickstarter campaign that’s already doubled its asking price, it’s no surprise the people want their headphones to be as smart as their phones.

What Sparks Our Fire: The Internet of Things claims its newest convert.

Would you want the Dash?

Let’s Be Frank: An Ode to Smart


It seems like every brand and client is on the “smart” bandwagon these days.

Turn on your new Samsung TV and SMART is very likely to be the first thing you see. Walk down the street and see a compact, SMART car. Most phones these days are SMARTphones, and the any other cellular device is known colloquially as a dumbphone.

Amazon fashion smart billboard

You can find SMART Brand Promotions on Facebook, and big brands market “smart” across the board, an example being Amazon, with their Smart Is Beautiful fashion campaign, or the multitude of Smart is the New Cool or Smart is the New Sexy campaigns.

Why the rush to Smart?

Perhaps it’s the culture we live in and the human desire to feel good about ourselves. (This seems to be in short supply these days.) Maybe it’s the immediate opt-in connection point that brings emotion into play for brands. And if content is king, shouldn’t smart be the king of content marketing. Why? Because people are likely to connect with smart as it relates to their immediate behaviors. The things they love to do and the brands that totally meet their needs.

Hmm. Maybe SMART is “sensible, modern and remarkable thinking” and this ode is a sensible keeper for brands in the long run.