Knowing When To Fly


While there are a number of things you can do to find the cheapest airfare, timing is everything when it comes to getting the best deals.

Hitlist is a mobile app that knows when it’s least expensive for you to book a flight to your pre-picked destinations, saving you the trouble of regularly checking travel websites. So, if you have a bucket travel list, but also a budget, Hitlist will keep tabs on travel search engines, notifying you when it’s the best time to fly to any of your selected locations. For example, you can create an alert that notifies you if/when flights to Buenos Aires are listed at $650 or less.

Among other customizable features, you can pick the best airport for your travel needs, make your Hitlist public or private, and specify if you’d like to travel only on weekends (or whenever). And there’s also a cool world map to show you all the places you plan to go to or have visited already.

What Sparks Our Fire: A mobile app that finds you the best deals on flights and helps you travel the world more affordably

What places around the globe would you save through Hitlist?

Flags of the world

world flags1world flags2Are you hungry? You should be after looking at the creative collection of food designed by Australian advertising agency WHYBIN/TBWA. These flags of the world were created to promote the Sydney International Food Festival, which is Australia’s largest food festival.

The ad team re-created the national flags using food native to the respective countries. Basil, pasta and tomatoes made up the stripes on the Italian flag, while hotdogs and buns make us the U.S. flag. What’s impressive is the team’s creative improvisation of the stars and symbols on the complex flags.

What sparked our fire: Culinary effect on culture and national identity.Which one looks most delicious?


-Canopy Team