Marc-eting 101: Type Cringe

The latest campaign from e-trade, “Type E”, has so many cringe-worthy aspects, it’s hard to watch. They’ve gone from one of the most memorable campaigns, to one that’s the exact opposite — simply forgettable. They’ve failed to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of financial marketing, and have opened the door for their rival, Scottrade, to grab more market share. The time and place for humor in an unstable economy may be gone, however, cute babies providing advice always seemed acceptable. And while I drew tired of those babies, as a marketer, I would’ve never substituted them for singing professionals. I look outside of the category at what Geico’s done with their brand by evolving the gecko and their tagline into strong campaigns that still hint to those iconic elements. GEICO’s taken a huge brand equity and refashioned it in a way that stays true to who they are, while delivering a “sticky” campaign. The ultimate question comes down to this for you folks at e-trade: What do you stand for? What’s your brand moment? How do you expect your target to internalize your brand? The list can go on and on. I know I’d have a hard time coming up with answers to these based on what I see today.

A Song of Internet and Fire

Well played, Hootsuite.

Capitalizing on the popularity of one of the most popular TV shows in recent years. Hootsuite has come out with a clever, topical video advertisement that both references a large part of the cultural zeitgeist and links it to the product. This is an effective advertisement because it is memorable, and doesn’t overshadow the product. It actually made me say “Very clever!” out loud. Check it out, and check out Hootsuite. Good advertising deserves a response.

What Sparks Our Fire: Effective advertising based on topical references and clear knowledge of the product.

Do you find this video effective and engaging?

Pick an Apple

In what seems to be a yearly tradition, the tech world has forgotten about the iPhone 5s and instead is focusing on the new iteration of Apple hardware. What will it look like? How fast will it be? Will Siri be able to teach me how to love again?

All these questions and more are being asked as the new screens for the iPhone 6 begin production. According to reports, 4.7-inch screens will begin production next month, while 5.5-inch screens may be delayed. This production ramp-up is purported to signify the release of a new iPhone this fall. New, larger screens are the clearest signification of an entirely redesigned iPhone, closer to the appearance of the iPad Air and the new iTouch, which is to say larger sceens, smaller bevels, rounded edges, and a look completely different from the 5s. A concept for the new hardware can be seen below.


 Mashable refers to it as the “iPhone Air”.

What Sparks Our Fire: Speculation on the new iPhone is a hobby for most of the internet. Regardless of how correct they are, the new generation of iPhone is likely to be artistic, refined, and minimalist.

What do you think the new iPhone will look like?


Many people might remember the ancient days when almost all work was done on hardcopy paper. Back in those ancient days, you used to have to file things, and remember where you put things, and actually stick your sticky notes on things and hope they stayed.


The horror… the horror…


Never fear though. In this day of emails and texts and tweet posts and status blogs, Sony Digital Paper will make it so you never have to touch a piece of paper ever again. For just the low low price of $1,100, you get a handheld 13.3″ device that displays full-page PDF’s  you can annotate by hand. All the notes are saved and shareable, and the device stores almost 3,000 PDF files. It seems like the thing of the future, but at approximately a million times more expensive than a regular sheet of paper. Give a little, take a little.

What Sparks Our Fire: Remember that the original mp3 players were thousands of dollars, and now you can get an iPod Shuffle for less than you’d pay for a nice pair of shoes.

What do you see as the future of paperwork?

April Ads Day


April Fools day is the one time a year when all the big brands take some time and try to convince the public of something ridiculous. For instance, the IAU pretended to re-promote Pluto to a planet. Here are some of our favorites:

The Honda DIY:

Netflix gave Facebook fans of House of Cards a “sneak peak of season 3 ” of a script page, and this brand new show:


Sam Adams added a new flavor.

And finally, the wearable that no one will ever want.


What Sparks Our Fire: Seeing agencies have fun with their brands is the best part of the day.

Were there any other pranks you liked?